Hold Project Kick Off


The Project Kick off Meeting formally recognizes the start of the project. It provides the project manager’s first opportunity to set expectations across the entire project team, ensuring that the project sponsor and stakeholders understand the project goals, deliverables and schedule milestones thereby helping the project team be successful.    The kick off meeting is typically led by the project manager.  Invitees should include people assigned to the project and/or functional managers who will have staff involved in the project, the project sponsor, and any other important stakeholders (internal and external)

Meeting Format
Follow the recommended Project Kick Off Meeting Agenda and modify as required. Depending on the size of the project, the meeting can be between one and two hours, including time for questions.
Consider these key points when you’re planning and holding your kick off meeting:
  • Most of the information presented at the kick off meeting will come from the Project Charter in the form of a presentation. Use the recommended Project Kick off Presentation as a starting point and modify as required.
  • It is beneficial to have the project sponsor involved in the meeting to relay their commitment to the project’s outcomes.
  • Time should be allotted throughout the presentation or at the end for questions and discussion.
  • The kick off is intended to bring everyone up to speed, not to discuss every item in detail.
  • Summarize the meeting with a call for action and list outstanding items that require immediate follow-up. Provide direction on any follow-up communication needed and what you expect from everyone at the first project status meeting.

Next Steps

  • File the presentation in the project documentation repository.  Once the project has been kicked off, the project will move into the Planning phase.
  • The project kick off presentation can also be used later in the project if new team members are brought on board.