Project Change Request


A Project Change Request is a formal proposal to modify the scope, cost, deliverable or timeline of a project.  Change requests may include a corrective action, a preventative action, a defect repair or update.


Change Request


A  Project Change Request should be stored in the 0-Monitor & Control folder of your project briefcase.

Completing a Change Request

Section 1: Change Request Details

Change Type:  More than one change type may be applicable.

Change Description:  Describe the proposed project change, highlighting the primary change type.  For example, a change in scope may result in a change in schedule.

Reason for the Change: Select the appropriate check box and provide a short description on the reason for the change.

Impact of not making the change: Select the appropriate check box and explain the impact if the proposed changed in not implemented.

Alternatives:  Describe any alternative options available.

Requirements for Change: Enter any detailed requirements.  A change request may also trigger the need to complete new Business Requirements documentation.  Reference to any new documentation can be made here.

Section 2: Change Request Assessment

This section needs to be completed in collaboration with the ITS technical team.

Impacted ITS Sections: Select the appropriate check box(s).

Other Impacted Areas: Identify any other areas of the college impacted, and any external or vendor impacts.  If no other areas are impacted, please identify none.

Scope Impact: Identify any impact to scope or identify none.

Deliverable Impact: Identify an impact to project/product deliverables, or identify none.

Work Effort Impact:  By Resource Type, identify any changes to the estimated hours of effort and provide a brief description of the work.

Schedule Impact: Identify if the final project end date or a phase end date is impacted or identify none.

Cost Impact: Identify impacts to the project hard costs, or identify none.

Resource Impact: Identify if any additional resources are required on the project or identify none.

Section 3:  Change Request Outcome

Change request review and approval is to be performed as identified in the project charter.  For small projects, change requests are commonly approved by the project manager or project sponsor.  Larger projects may require approval from a steering committee or other oversight group.



Article ID: 21980
Mon 12/19/16 4:16 PM
Fri 7/21/17 11:37 AM