- Activity
A distinct portion of work performed during the course of a project.
- Assumption
A factor in the planning process considered to be certain without proof or demonstration.
- Backlog
A listing of product requirements and deliverables to be completed.
- Baseline
The approved version of work that is used as the basis for comparison to actual results.
- Benchmark
The comparison of actual practices to those of comparable organizations best practices.
- Budget
The approved estimate for the project.
- Constraint
A limiting factor that affects the execution of a project.
- Contingency
Actions the project team can take if predetermined trigger conditions occur.
- Decomposition
A technique used for dividing the project scope into smaller more manageable parts.
- Deliverable
Any unique and verifiable product that is produced to complete a phase or project.
- Dependency
The logical relationship between two or more activities.
- Duration
Total number of work periods required to complete an activity.
- Effort
The number of labor units required to complete a schedule activity.
- Estimate
An approximation of a projects time and cost.
- Float
The time a task can be delayed without delaying the project.
- Issue
An event that currently affects a projects ability to produce deliverables.
- Iteration
Work done in a series of smaller stages.
- Milestone
A significant point in a project.
- Portfolio
- Project
- Program
- Quality
The extent the final deliverable conforms to the customer requirements.
- Requirement
A condition or capability that is required to be present in a product or service to satisfy imposed specifications.
- Resources
Can be people, equipment, services, materials, budgets, or funds that are needed to complete tasks on a project.
- Risk
An uncertain event that, if it occurs, has an effect on project objectives.
- Schedule
A list of a projects critical elements with intended start and finish dates.
- Scope
The total aggregate of products and services to be produced by a project.
- Sponsor
A person that provides resources and support for a project and is accountable for enabling success.
- Sprint
A repeatable work cycle in Agile, know as an iteration.
- Tasks
An activity that needs to be accomplished within a defined period of time to achieve a project milestone.
- Timeline
A graphical representation of a sequence of events.
- Work Breakdown Structure
- Work
The amount of effort required to produce a deliverable or complete a task.
- Workaround
an immediate response to an issue for which a prior response had not been planned.